Brothers and Sisters, members of the union in all governorates of the Republic of Yemen Respected Greeting right and Arabism
We know full well that you put great hope in the union to accomplish many, great and important things, and you are waiting for these achievements to be achieved in the fastest time.
We know full well that you put great hope in the union to accomplish many great and important things, and you are waiting for these accomplishments to be accomplished, so we will be back and forth to you in front of all official and semi-official bodies with the text of the union law, that colleagues perform their work and have been granted immunity and dignity, and that it does not take place The arrest of any colleague due to his or her pleading, and contact has already been made with the courts for this purpose by visiting the courts of the beginning of north and south Amman, and then to all the courts of the Kingdom, and we will not compromise with anyone who violates the provisions of the Lawyers Syndicate or refrains from applying the text or applies another legal text .
We have started applying the electoral program in health insurance so that we will not allow in any way the lawyer to seek health care and preserve his dignity and life, but we will seek it before he seeks us, and the performance and service of the health insurance unit will be reconsidered in order to achieve the required treatment and dignity of colleagues and individuals their families .
Achieving the electoral program requires that you stand as a public body with your captain and your council, especially with regard to the help centers that we will initiate to take legal measures against them in preparation for their closure. This subject .
Your union will be a homeland union and a nation union that addresses all forms and types of corruption, terrorism and extremism and a strong and defensive barrier to the independence of the judiciary and the pursuit of completing the procedures in the political, economic and social reform in cooperation with all the state’s agencies concerned, participating in the legislations considered by the parliament and reviving this role through revival The formation of the legal committee.
Respected colleagues
The rebuilding of the training institution requires us to cooperate together by assisting the training committee in monitoring the training work for the trained lawyers and providing advice and guidance to them, and providing them with legal and practical information, hoping that you will be loud during the pleadings so that the trained colleagues hear you.
Setting and clearing the register of attorneys practicing professors who reside outside the country, or working in public or private jobs or works that contradict the legal profession is a priority for us. Because this matter will be confidential in order to preserve the spirit of fellowship.We have started looking at the issue of companies that are legally obligated to retain, and we will implement everything that has been proposed in the electoral program to find work opportunities for colleagues, compel companies to retain, and institute suits to collect the achieved fines.
Female colleagues and colleagues
Your union will remain a progressive pan-Arab nationalist union that will sponsor and strive to achieve the nations goals in fighting Zionism and colonialism, resisting normalization, and championing Arab issues, foremost of which is the Palestinian cause.